Pinnacle Group Leadership Principles

Pinnacle Group leaders embody our Core Values and live our Leadership Principles daily. Leading by example is a baseline expectation for all leaders.
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Trust & Integrity

Build trust by keeping commitments and delivering outcomes. Set ego aside. Focus on doing what is right, rather than on being right.


Set high standards and consistently meet them.


Think critically, anticipate needs, and take a proactive, resourceful, and solution-oriented approach to their work.


Balance speed, quality, risk and accuracy to make effective decisions. Have courage to pick the right path (even if it’s not the easiest, safest, or fastest one).


Understand that teams win. Communicate frequently and responsively. Ask for help when needed. Leverage others for guidance and support.


Commit to continuous improvement. Understand that mistakes happen – disclose, own, and help fix them. Reflect on lessons learned. Communicate and share learnings openly to help our team improve.


Give and receive feedback willingly to fuel continuous improvement. Engage in productive conflict. Provide input to help the organization improve. Value all voices, regardless of position or tenure.


Accept shared responsibility for the development of self and others.